Saturday, 14 January 2012

Blogiversary the fourth

So it's my 4th Blogiversary today!

I admit I don't really feel entitled to celebrate too much since I took a six month break this year but it is a milestone and an opportunity to look both back and forwards nonetheless.

I have not been as productive as usual, but I have still made quite a lot. I focussed on knitting more than sewing and ended up completing 12 knitting/crochet projects (some of which are unblogged) and 13 sewing projects (again, some unblogged). this is compared with 21 sewing and 9 knitting/crochet projects last year. Still, I did my best and am reasonably happy with what I achieved.

As to my goals for the coming year, I don't think it will be possible to set specific targets as I have no way of knowing what is to come. However, I hate the thought of being completely undisciplined so here are my thoughts:

  1. Destash. This is a common theme for both myself and many others every year. This year is different for me since what is currently my sewing room will become the nursery until we are able to move house. Therefore I HAVE to use as much as possible of my stash or else it will have to be got rid of or stored (not at home since there is no room). Fabric and yarn alike have to go before June!
  2. Make more than I buy for myself. This is a no-brainer, I really only buy t-shirts, underwear and the occasional other garment anyway. For the past year I have been making do with old stuff and quick fixes but I can't wear any of that now so my need is great!
  3. Focus on presentable casuals. Obviously my lifestyle is going to change a lot. I only have 15 weeks left of work and when you remove public holidays that comes down to only 70 working days (not that I am counting :) ). Much more of my time than ever before will be in 'at home' clothes and I want to be comfortable and washable but presentable. My current 'at home' uniform of pj's/sweats (not outside the house of course) will not cut it! Likewise, tailored suitings and silk tops are not going to be practical either.
  4. Make more than I buy for the baby. Another relatively easy one, with time being the only issue. I have plenty of baby yarn in stash so no problem there. Thanks to my Mum and sister this child already has a wardrobe to rival Harper Beckham so there is no need for me to worry about clothes too much but I would like to make as many toys, blankets and soft furnishings as possible.
  5. Learn some new things. I have started this by signing up for a couple of Craftsy workshops, and I may yet use the felting kit I bought several years ago to make a cover for my new Kindle.
  6. Blog more regularly.
Even without targets I still have a to do list for the next few months:

For me:
  • 1 skirt and 2 pairs of pants for work (fairly quick when you make them with a knit yoke!)
  • 5 or so work tops (mainly knit so will accommodate the belly)
  • wide leg pants for around the house (again, with a knit yoke so I can wear them before the baby and for the 10 days or so after the birth until I get my figure back - lol)
  • 2 Warm cardigans

For the wee one:

So let's see how we go...
Thanks again to those who have stuck with me while my blogging has been so sporadic and for all the kind wishes on my pregnancy.