This is a basic blouse made from
New Look 6407. I am a little obsessed with blouses this autumn/winter, I'm not sure why as I am certainly NOT obsessed with ironing! I haven't made a blouse in quite a long time but I am reasonably happy with how it turned out.
I like that it doesn't have a traditional collar fastening, but opens to a v-neck - much more flattering on me. However it's quite low, even for me who doesn't generally have a problem with cleavage! Not indecent, but you might not want to bend over in front of anyone.

The neckline looks a little buckled on the dummy but I'm pretty sure it's fine on me.

I made the version with the 3/4 sleeves and split cuffs.
For the collar I used the method I saw described a while ago, where you cut the collar in one piece and join it at the centre back of the under collar. I have been dying to try this out and it turned out so nice! I'm very sorry but I can't find the link to the original tutorial, so if you wrote it or know who did, please let me know so I can give credit.

I didn't make an FBA, and didn't need it. If you are not well-ish endowed then you might want to cut a smaller size or reduce the bust measurement if you want a close fitting blouse.
The fabric is 100% cotton voile and is sheer, which is why I am not modelling it. I have made it to layer under a waistcoat so you'll just have to wait to see the two pieces together.