Again it has been far too long between posts but never fear, I am still around. I have been very lucky during my pregnancy not to have experienced any serious health problems, however a wobbly sacroilliac joint and enormously swollen feet have made every day things like sitting upright and on hard chairs fairly (nay, VERY) painful. So not too much leisure time on the computer or at the sewing machine for me! Fortunately the semi-reclined position I have been forced to adopt is brilliant for knitting and crochet so I have still been able to be creative.
So what has happened since I last posted? I finished work (which has relieved the SI joint pain a lot!), the weather has finally cooled after yet another record hot summer (so at least I can get socks on now, if not shoes!), I had another birthday (very quiet this year) and have been madly trying to pack all my sewing/crafting kit into one corner of the room that will from now on be the nursery - I am just about there. The baby is less than 2 weeks away and the fella and I are beside ourselves with excitement.
So here, belatedly, are my final two me-made maternity outfits. In these photos I am 28 weeks, and I'm 38 weeks now so that's how far behind on things I am!
This top is another non-maternity garment that I've been able to get a lot of wear out of. It's the cool, calm and cowl top from Hot Patterns, made without the hip band. It is blogged here. The skirt is the same simple a-line pattern with the Kwik Sew pants yoke spliced on I used for the grey skirt blogged here , and also a denim version that I haven't blogged about.
Apologies for the washed out photo here, I can't tell you how hot our summer was, and how the heat knocked me around - even more than usual. I love Autumn and Spring, so am in my element now!
This top is from a Kwik Sew maternity top pattern, K3487. Kwik Sew patterns are pretty expensive (or were until BMV started selling them) so I had intended to use this a lot, but alas I only made this one version in the end. I narrowed the upper back neck and added a CB seam so I could shorten the back above the waist as well (usual alterations for me). I didn't do an FBA, but I should have as the empire seam rides up and the neckline is a smidge open but it's not a deal breaker. The top has a coffin back so instead of making the belt as instructed and sewing it into the side seams, I made a separate tube and much longer so it wraps around my body twice and breaks the back piece as if the empire seam went all around. Of course it would have been easy to add an empire seam on the back - I just couldn't be bothered. This is a nice pattern and definitely one worth adding to the maternity arsenal!
The pants are another Kwik Sew pattern K3324. I used the stretchy yoke several times on skirts but this is the only pair of pants I made. I altered the shape of the legs (using my Hot Patterns Weekender Jean Jeanius Trouser Jeans pattern) since tapered pants are never going to do me any favours, pregnant or no! There is not much to say here. The pattern is pretty simple and the only alteration I made was to lengthen the back crotch (again, a usual alteration for me). The fit is by no means perfect but they are super comfortable and I only wear them with tunic tops anyway.
So that's pretty much it for my maternity clothes. I still have to update on numerous baby projects, and will try to do that soon. We are counting the days now (12 or so to go!). One benefit to being classed as 'high risk' is they won't let me go too late so I only have to be patient for a little while longer.
Oh, before I forget, I got a lovely comment from Cass a while ago and am only responding now. Cass, thanks for your kind wishes and sharing your experience. To answer your question about the ripple stitch I used for my millefoglie scarf, I believe the stitch is also called 'old shale' or something like that. I can't remember exactly what I did but in general it would be something like this:
Multiple of 12 sts and 4 rows.
1: Knit
2: Purl
3: k2tog 3 times, yo k1 6 times, k2tog 3 times. Repeat to end (I would have done 3 repeats).
4: Purl (if you want a garter ridge) or Knit (if you want stocking stitch throughout).
I hope this helps!
6 days ago