Wow, how time flies by. I can't believe Charlotte is 8 weeks old tomorrow. She is a lovely baby and brings us so much joy, she has a cheeky smile and is interested in everything that goes on around her. We had a rough start, as she was born with a tongue tie and could not nurse (I had to feed her expressed milk through a tube for the first 3 1/2 weeks until the tongue tie was corrected) and she then suffered terribly with silent reflux until we got her on medication which has helped enormously. But now we are on track and she is happy and healthy. She is, however not a great sleeper - she's okay at night but does not want to sleep in the day so I spend a lot of time shushing and rocking at the bassinet to try and help her to settle herself. It'll happen in her own time I suppose so I try to be patient.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, there has not been much crafting of any kind going on. I am dying to cast on a new knitting project as I am totally over the lullaby blanket, but I am plugging on as much as I can to attempt to finish it before Charlotte starts school! I only have one more repeat of feather and fan (12 rounds) and then the border (about 20 rounds or something like that) to go, but on nearly 600 sts it is taking a while!
I never got the chance to show off Charlotte's hand knits before she was born so here goes...
I only made two cardigans as I knew my Mum was knitting as well, and to be honest our winters are pretty mild so we don't need very much really warm stuff.
The first is a crochet ballet wrap from the Patons booklet 'Retro Babes' which wasn't on Ravelry when I made this but might be now.
My project notes are here.
Second is the Sunnyside cardigan, a fab free pattern on Ravelry. I made the version with the lace panels rather than cables. It's a bit big yet but I can't wait to get Charlotte wearing it.
Project notes here.
Third is a project from my Mum. This blackberry stitch matinee jacket is a fave in our family. The pattern is ancient and my Mum must have made it at least a dozen times for different babies! We have got a lot of wear out of this one already and have had a lot of compliments.
Wow sorry for the crappy photo, I'm gonna blame baby brain for this one!
Finally a grey cardigan with a pink slip stitch pattern, another of Mum's makes. We have also worn this one heaps already. I love, love, love how effective the fairly simple pattern looks. I have no idea where my Mum got the pattern from!
Here is a picture of Charlotte at one month old wearing her cream matinee jacket (and me looking exhausted!)
And here she is last weekend at 7 1/2 weeks old...
6 days ago