First of all here is the finished tulip skirt. As I said previously I like it but don't love it. Sadly it's a little 'snug', but I'm blaming that on rather too much Thai take-away lately! I'll probably wear it when the weather gets cooler with opaque tights and maybe long boots - I really don't think this length works for me. Never mind, moving on...

I've finally been working on the Threads shift dress. The outside layer is done aside from hand sewing so I just need to put together the lining, sew in the zip, join the two layers at the neck and set in the (unlined) sleeves. Oh, and the hems. It's actually not too much and since my fella is going away for work tomorrow night I'll have plenty of time to work on it. Here are a couple of pictures of my progress on it. You can see that it will really benefit from having a lining put in as it looks very flimsy as it is.

The close up show the top stitched front facing and button band. I just laid it on top and stitched around the outside edge rather than making it as a traditional facing but turned outside as per the instructions. This is because I'll be joining the lining and shell together at the neckline. I'm going to make some covered buttons for the front placket and pocket flaps, but if they don't look right I'll have some more made by the button and belt service that comes through my work.
Finally, I have cut out a toille for the wedding outfit. The dress pattern will be
McCalls 5466 view B, probably with modifications, and there'll be a jacket too but I haven't finalised the idea for that yet.
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