Here are the photos of the outfits I can make so far from the navy tulip skirt. If I look tired and pissed off in the photos it's because I am! I am in the middle of renovations at home, meaning my sewing room is currently a repository for all our crap. Between that and going away the weekend before last I haven't been able to sew a stitch in nearly three weeks. On the upside we have painted the formerly hideous bedroom and we are having a fabulous new wardrobe installed tomorrow - with custom storage - bliss!
I am super-stressed at work ATM and I usually rely on my sewing to help manage that - grrrr! The jacket is kicking my ass and I really just want to sit quietly for a few hours and work on it but I can't right now - plus I really need to get started on my last garment, the pants (I have one other completed garment I haven't posted yet).
I would really hate to stumble at this last hurdle and not complete the competition. I have hope that things will start to settle down in the next couple of days, so wish me luck!
Oh, and I just remembered I am going to see New Moon on Sunday so that will cheer me up if nothing else!
Rant over. Enjoy the photos...This skirt is wearable as is but doesn't give a great side view. I will definitely alter it (sew down the pleats and take it in a touch) but might not have time to do that before the end of the comp.
This one is a bad angle. I know my lower half is big but this is ridiculous!
I don't mind this look.

Can I express how happy I am with this blouse? I never would have made something like this if it weren't for the competition and I don't just love it, I am IN love with it.

The floral blouse is so pretty. I've always steered away from florals for business but this post might change may mind.
I am so impressed that you have managed to complete nearly all your garments for the contest. I especially like the white stretch top with the skirt. I still have 3 garments to go and with only 3 days left I think I might end up being a casualty of this comp!
Great blog I enjoyed readiing
Love seeing this sexy bitch in skirts
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