Hi everyone, hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Christmas day here was blisteringly hot (just shy of 40C) but fortunately we went from air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned house. Yes, a lot of running around but you may be surprised to hear that is less than normal so for the first time in about 20-odd years, I got a sleep in on Christmas Day - bliss.
First things first. A massive shout out to Cidell, who posted this recipe on her blog. The pumpkin and mushroom Wellingtons were a big hit at my family's Christmas vegetarian lunch. Don't they look cute?
Now. On to the outfit. This year I fancied wearing linen pants. I don't know why. I have never worn linen before, let alone pants but I got the idea in my head that swishy wide legged pants would be cooler than a dress. Yes, I know they would look better with heels but Christmas is pretty casual in my family and I have a lot of driving to do. Even I can't wear heels all the time!
I used a stretch linen, probably a bit thicker than necessary - it's almost cargo weight if that makes sense. I won't do a proper review of this since the pattern is a bit of a fudge. I started with a Patrones pattern but widened the legs substantially, converted the waist facing to a shaped waistband and added pockets. I think they came out okay but by the time these photos were taken (after lunch) I could already pinch a good inch on each side. I may run them in a bit and then do a proper post on them, or I may just keep them as slouch-around-the-house pants. I need some distance before I decide.
Here's the back, you can see how big they are on me. Instead of looking relaxed and slouchy they just make me look wider than I already am.
The top is the cool, calm and cowl top which was a free download from Hot Patterns, but now you have to buy it. I made it for the PR wardrobe competition last year so I have already reviewed it. I really wish I had gone back and checked my own review so I could have remembered to lower the front neckline a bit. Ah well, it will do for work. I did at least remember that the band around the bottom did not work for my body type so I left that off and lengthened the top a little to compensate. The fabric is a remnant I picked up for $8 a couple of years ago. I am not sure but it could be silk jersey - whatever it is, it feels beautiful!
This is my sister's dog Fergus, isn't he cute?
I am now working on a dress for New Year's Eve and am pretty pleased so far...
As a final note, these photos were taken on my lovely new camera that my fella got me for Christmas - yay!
6 days ago